Reading Time: 2 minutes

A phrase is one or more words that form a meaningful grammatical unit within a clause. A clause contains a subject and a predicate and in many cases, can be a sentence on its own. In contrast, a phrase can’t be its own sentence because a phrase does not contain a subject and predicate.

    • Phrase: Meows so loudly
    • Clause: That cat meows so loudly

Clauses contain phrases, and sentences contain clauses. There are five main types of phrases in English.

Noun Phrase

A noun phrase (NP) can be a single noun or a group of words built around a single noun. It provides detail or clarification about a noun.

    • Animals need water.
    • Who ate the last sandwich?
    • All passengers with tickets can board now.
    • My small dog barks at ducks.
    • The boxy van outside has circled the block twice already.

Verb Phrase

A verb phrase (VP, also called a “verb group”) consists of the main verb and its auxiliary verbs (including modals). It contains a verb and any linking verbs or modifiers. A verb phrase plays the role of a verb in the sentence where it’s used.

    • We have been working since 9 am.
    • I will be going to France next week.
    • It may have been repaired.
    • Shelley has been waiting for an hour already.
    • I am writing a novel.

Adjective Phrase

An adjective phrase can be a single adjective or a group of words built around a single adjective. It describes or otherwise provides additional meaning for an adjective.

    • He has clever ideas.
    • It was a very big meal.
    • The students were really bored with the film.
    • That song choice was way too bold.
    • She was taller than all of her classmates.

Adverb Phrase

An adverb phrase can be a single adverb or a group of words built around a single adverb. It takes on the role of an adverb in a sentence. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs.

    • Please do it now.
    • He spoke very softly.
    • They did it as fast as possible.
    • He bakes cakes every Sunday.
    • We ran out of there at a breakneck speed.

Prepositional Phrase

A prepositional phrase consists of a preposition followed by its object (usually a noun phrase). They can also include modifiers.

    • They were arguing about money.
    • The window was behind a large brown sofa.
    • The cat jumped onto the counter.
    • The space under the grey shed is overgrown and needs to be cleared out.
    • They resumed after an unusually large meal.

The table below shows all five phrase types used in a single clause:

heis jumpingoverthevery lazydogas fast as possible