Four Kinds of Meaning

I A Richards, a prominent literary critic, introduced the concept of the "four kinds of meaning" in his influential book Practical Criticism (1929). Richards' theory was part of his effort to develop a systematic approach to literary analysis, focusing on how meaning is constructed and interpreted in a text. He believed that understanding these four types of meaning was crucial for a comprehensive interpretation of any literary work. This concept is a vital part of his theory of language and mea...


To Autumn

To Autumn, written by John Keats in 1819, is one of the most celebrated poems in the English language and represents a culmination of Keats's poetic style and philosophical thought. It stands as the l...

Objective Criticism

Objective criticism is a significant approach in literary theory that emerged in the early 20th century, primarily associated with the New Criticism movement. It emphasises analysing a work of literat...

The Romantic and Victorian Era

The Romantic and Victorian periods were two of the most transformative eras in English literature, with each bringing distinct styles, themes, and philosophies to poetry and criticism. While the Roman...


Democracy, a poem by the celebrated American poet Langston Hughes, is a powerful piece that speaks about the struggles for freedom, equality, and the inherent rights of individuals in a democratic soc...

To Autumn


To a Skylark


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