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Fundamentals of Writing


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Writing may be defined as the physical manifestation of language. A process of recording information using a coded system of symbols. It is a means by which ideas are transferred from one mind to another through words, phrases and sentences. The symbols vary according to the language used. Good writing skills allow you to communicate clearly and easily to a larger audience.

Following are some reasons why knowing how to write well is essential in our daily lives. Writing equips you with the communication skills needed to interact effectively in public. It is an essential skill in everyday life. It would help if you wrote formally and informally in your personal, academic and professional lives.

Writing skills are tested in almost all university and competitive examinations. Writing, as its history tells us, is a method of preservation. It gives ideas and thoughts of concrete form or posterity. Writing is a measure of one’s learning, intellect and creativity. A written piece mirrors the calibre of its author. Writing is an expression of yourself. It makes your thinking explicit to others.

The growth of information technology has vastly increased the scope of writing. The availability and affordability of computers have made writing and publishing easier. Word processing renders the redrafting, revising and editing process quicker and more sophisticated. The internet is a friendly platform for aspiring writers. The reach of the web is far and wide, capable of bringing together writers and artists from all over the world. Blogging and tweeting are new digital forms of publishing.

Conventions of Writing

Conventions refer to a general understanding of the norms of a language. Writing comprises signs and symbols and vocabulary and semantics. Therefore, to master the art of writing, learning grammar, vocabulary, meaning, and punctuation becomes essential. The conventions of writing mainly include:

    1. Content (ideas, knowledge of the subject)
    2. Organisation (sequencing: introduction, body, conclusion)
    3. Mechanics (spelling, punctuation, grammar)
    4. Vocabulary (the use of correct and appropriate words, a variety of words)


The mechanics of writing mainly refer to grammar, spelling and punctuation. Accuracy in these three aspects of language is desirable in written communication.

  • Grammar

A person unsure of the norms of English mostly stumbles when they fail to comprehend its grammar. Grammar is a combination of syntax and morphology. It tells us how to organise words, phrases and clauses into meaningful communication.

  • Spelling

Another central area of need for clarification is spelling. This can gradually be resolved by familiarising oneself with a dictionary, consistent reading and diligent writing.

  • Punctuation

Punctuation marks refer to the use of space and conventional signs in writing, which help in reading and decoding messages in a text.


Words are the most essential building blocks of writing. One such set of words valid in writing tasks comprises antonyms and synonyms. When attempting an assignment or a report, keep a thesaurus handy to choose from various options that suit a context. Learning words that are commonly confused will also be beneficial to build our vocabulary.

  • Collocation

Using English effectively involves an awareness of a distinctive language feature called collocation. Collocation is the behaviour of the language by which two or more words go together in speech or writing.

Functional and Creative Writing

Writing can be put into functional or creative use. Letters, emails, notices, memoranda, circulars, applications, Curriculum Vitaes, and most academic writings are functional. Creative writing is a personal communication of your thoughts and emotions with the reader. When creative writing takes an artistic form, it shows the unique imagination of the writer.

Suppose most functional writing aims to inform, educate, explore or analyse. In that case, creative writing exists for its own sake, with a wistful hope of communicating emotion, imagination and the human experience with the discerning reader. In academic writing, the ability to write creatively becomes useful in narrative and descriptive texts.

As we advance, the gap between formal and informal writing narrows down. All writing is considered creative. The advent of social media heralded the arrival of micro versions of creativity as English strives to become more straightforward and valuable as a global language of communication; blogging and tweeting have also evolved as popular forms of creative writing.

Despite the differences in style, format and language at its core, the processes and tools of any writing essentially remain the same. Writing is incomplete without revisions and a vigilant round of editing to remove content, grammar and usage errors.

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Devika Panikar
Devika Panikar
δάσκαλος (dáskalos) means the teacher in Greek. Devika Panikar has been teaching English Language and Literature since 2006. She is an Assistant Professor with the Directorate of Collegiate Education under the Government of Kerala and now works at the Government College Kasaragod. This website is a collection of lecture notes she prepared by referring to various sources for her students’ perusal.

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