The Intrusive ‘r’ in Phonetics

Intrusive 'r' is a phenomenon in phonetics that occurs in some varieties of English where an /r/ sound is inserted between certain vowels in connected speech, even when it doesn't appear in the writte...

Standard English

Received Pronunciation, also known as RP, is a British accent known as the "Standard British" accent. It is spoken mostly in London and South East England but is also the accent most often used in for...

Voiced and Voiceless Sounds

In linguistics, sounds produced in human speech are categorised into two main types: voiced and voiceless. These terms refer to the presence or absence of vibration of the vocal cords during articulat...

Pronunciation of Past Tense “-ed”

Correct pronunciation plays a crucial role in language learning as it helps learners effectively communicate and be understood by native speakers. In addition, proper pronunciation enhances listening ...

Linking ‘r’

In phonetics, linking 'r' refers to the process of connecting the sound /r/ to the following word in connected speech. It occurs when a word that ends with /r/ is followed by a word that begins with a...
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