Paragraph Writing

Originating from the ancient Greek term paragraphe meaning 'marked passage', a paragraph is a group of sentences that introduces, presents, develops and winds up one main idea on a topic. The idea ...

Modes of Reading

Reading strategies can be developed and improved over time, helping individuals become more efficient and critical readers. It is essential in academic contexts where reading comprehension is fundamen...


Every language has its idioms and expressions. They are an integral part of the language. The English language is rich in idioms, too. Idioms are words or phrases that aren’t meant to be taken literal...

Active and Passive

Voice refers to the form of a verb that indicates when a subject performs the action or is the receiver of the action. Active voice means that a sentence has a subject that acts upon its verb. Passive...


Anchoring any kind of function is always a challenging task but with the right anchoring script, it is always easy. Introducing the program and the participants and controlling all the schedules as pe...

Designing an Agenda

Here are some tips for designing an effective agenda for your next meeting. You can use these tips whether a meeting lasts an hour or three days and whether you’re meeting with a group of five or fort...

ELT Contexts and Acronyms

English Language Teaching (ELT) occurs in diverse contexts worldwide and is influenced by varying goals, learner needs, and educational environments. Understanding these contexts helps educators tailo...


An oxymoron is a figure of speech that combines two seemingly contradictory or incompatible terms to create a meaningful expression or to emphasise a particular point. The word "oxymoron" itself comes...


Behaviourism or the Behavioural Learning Theory is a popular concept that focuses on how students learn. Behaviourism focuses on the idea that all behaviours are learned through interaction with the e...

Terms in ELT

Understanding the key terms and concepts in ELT is essential for educators, students, and policymakers involved in English language education. Each term represents a critical aspect of the teaching an...