Dramatic Monologue

Monologue refers to a speech or a verbal presentation that a character gives to exhibit his ideas and thoughts in a loud manner. Through monologue, the character shares his thoughts with the audience ...

World Literature

World literature is used to refer to the total of the world's national literature and the circulation of works into the wider world beyond their country of origin. In the past, it primarily referred t...

An Autobiography

An autobiography is a written account of a person's life, typically written by the person. It is a genre of literature where an individual reflects on and narrates their own life experiences, includin...


A ballad is a popular narrative song passed down orally. Folk (or traditional) ballads are anonymous and recount tragic, comic, or heroic stories emphasising a central dramatic event; examples include...

Aesthetic Distance

Aesthetics is a word that comes from the ancient Greeks. It is used to describe the relationship between art and one's perceptions of beauty. The word is also used to summarize the style of one artist...

Levels of Aesthetic Distance

Aesthetic distance, the frame of reference that an artist creates by the use of technical devices in and around the work of art is to differentiate it psychologically from reality. German playwright B...

Tagore as a Poet

An outstanding poet, a legend of prose, and a perfect philosopher, Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore is the greatest of the Indians to write in English. His fine writings, popularly described as 'magical ...

Dante Divine

Dante Alighieri was a Medieval Italian poet and philosopher whose poetic trilogy, the Divine Comedy, made an indelible impression on both literature and theology. He was one of the most learned Italia...

The Soliloquy

The soliloquy is a dramatic device often used in literature and theatre, where a character speaks their thoughts aloud, usually while alone on stage. This dramatic device is used extensively in theatr...

The Lyric

The term lyric in poetry refers to a short poem that expresses personal emotions, feelings, or thoughts melodically and musically. Historically, lyrics were actually sung, often accompanied by a lyre,...