Informal Letters

An informal letter also referred to as a friendly letter, is a personal letter written to friends or relatives (Informal letter to a friend). It is written in a personal fashion. You can write it to...

Factors Influencing Learning

Learning is a complex process that defies easy definition and description. Human learning is influenced by the family, the community, the school and the societal structure in which the child is born a...

Letter Writing Tips

The art of writing a letter was considered an important requirement. Here are some tips for writing a good letter.Identify the TypeThis is the first step of the letter-writing process. You must ...


An agenda also called a docket or a schedule is a list of topics or activities in the order they are to be taken up, from the beginning till the adjournment. An agenda helps in preparing for a meeting...

Language Games

Language learning is a hard task that can sometimes be frustrating. Constant effort is required to understand, produce and manipulate the target language. Well-chosen games are invaluable as they give...


A phrase is a small group of words that communicates a concept but isn’t a full sentence. Phrases and idioms constitute the most important aspects of any language. There are different kinds of phrases...

Letter Writing

Before the advent of modern technology made communication so easy, the art of writing a letter was considered an important requirement. Even today a letter is an important means of communication in ...

ICT Enabled Learning

Long before the e-learning era, Plato (428 BC– 348 BC) said: “Someday, in the distant future, our grandchildren's grandchildren will develop a new equivalent of our classrooms. They will spend many ho...


A proverb is a well-known saying that conveys a general truth or that offers advice on life and behaviour.All that glitters is not gold Honesty is the best policyProverbs are sim...

Complement Clause

A complement clause is a subordinate clause (a clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence) that complements or completes the meaning of a verb, adjective, or noun in the main clause. Complement clau...