Legal English

Legal English refers to the specialised language used within the field of law. It encompasses a wide range of vocabulary, terminology, and syntax specific to legal documents, contracts, statutes, regu...

The Royal Order of Adjectives

The English language gives the liberty to use multiple adjectives to describe everything one can perceive. While adjectives can be used to describe and provide more information about a noun, there is ...


Pronouns are an essential component of language that replaces or refers to nouns in sentences. They play a crucial role in communication by helping to avoid repetition and maintain clarity in speech a...

Good Listening

Good listening involves a set of skills and attitudes that go beyond simply hearing words. It's a multi-faceted process that requires active engagement with the speaker and ourselves.  Listen to Our...

Barriers to Listening

Listening effectively is crucial in all aspects of life, fostering communication, understanding, and connection. However, numerous barriers can impede our ability to hear and absorb what others are sa...

The Process of Listening

Listening is a complex brain function involving several steps or stages that allow an individual to give attention to, interpret, and respond to spoken language and other auditory stimuli. Hearing...

Complement Clause

A complement clause is a subordinate clause (a clause that cannot stand alone as a sentence) that complements or completes the meaning of a verb, adjective, or noun in the main clause. Complement clau...

Listening vs. Hearing

Listening is a valuable skill and assumes official importance in one's personal, academic and professional setting. With the increased use of computers, mobile phones and the internet, the importance ...

Collective Noun

A collective noun is a type of noun that refers to a group of people, animals, or things as a single unit. It describes a collection or a whole rather than individuals within the group. Examples inclu...


Listening in communication refers to actively receiving, interpreting, and understanding the messages conveyed by others. It is a fundamental aspect of effective communication and is crucial in buildi...