The Process of Listening

Listening is a complex brain function involving several steps or stages that allow an individual to give attention to, interpret, and respond to spoken language and other auditory stimuli. Hearing...

Types of Nouns

Recognising the different types of nouns in English grammar will help to develop one's ability to write and speak with precision.Compound NounsCompound nouns are formed from two or more words. Mos...

Writing an Effective Email

While most of us are happy to write informal emails to friends, we get jittery when asked to write to people whom we are supposed to make a good impression on, or where we need to be careful or diplom...

Paragraph Features

A paragraph is a collection of sentences relating to one main idea or topic. Good writing in any form has the following characteristics, which are true of well-written paragraphs: a topic sentence, ...


Anchoring any kind of function is always a challenging task but with the right anchoring script, it is always easy. Introducing the program and the participants and controlling all the schedules as pe...


Homophone is Greek for the same sound. A homophone can be defined as a word that, when pronounced, seems similar to another word but has a different spelling and meaning. The two words may be spelt th...

Confusing Contronyms

Many people -native speakers and learners alike -decry English as being illogical. But some other words are just as frustrating: Contronyms. It is a word that is its opposite -like 'fast', which can r...

Writing a Memo

A memo (also known as a memorandum, or reminder) is used for internal communications regarding procedures or official business within an organization. Unlike an email, a memo is a message sent to a la...


Pronouns are an essential component of language that replaces or refers to nouns in sentences. They play a crucial role in communication by helping to avoid repetition and maintain clarity in speech a...

Report Writing

In academia, there is some overlap between reports and essays, and the two words are sometimes used interchangeably, but reports are more likely to be needed for business, scientific and technical ...