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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Statement to Question

Turning a statement into a question can seem hard at first, but it will appear easier later. A statement is used to express a fact, opinion, or viewpoint about a topic. On the other hand, questions ar...

ICT Enabled Learning

Long before the e-learning era, Plato (428 BC– 348 BC) said: “Someday, in the distant future, our grandchildren's grandchildren will develop a new equivalent of our classrooms. They will spend many ho...

Teaching Language Skills

Effective communication requires mastering broad language abilities (macro skills) and detailed language mechanics (micro skills). Macro skills ensure learners can use the language for meaningful comm...

Describing People

Character descriptions are often the first way one starts to gather together their understanding of people. The most basic character descriptions usually centre around physical details. Physical attri...

Preparing a Curriculum Vitae

A curriculum vitae or CV (and sometimes called a vita) is an academic resume that highlights your scholarly accomplishments. A CV provides the employer with a clear outline of your accomplishments so ...


A phrase is a small group of words that communicates a concept but isn’t a full sentence. Phrases and idioms constitute the most important aspects of any language. There are different kinds of phrases...


Reading may be defined as receiving meaning from the written form. It is the ability to interpret linguistic sounds in their graphic and symbolic representation. According to Goodman, "Reading is a ps...

Tips for Writing Reports

Writing reports can be challenging, but you can create clear, concise, and effective reports with careful planning and organisation. Before you start writing, make sure you understand why the report i...


Antonyms are words that have contrasting or opposite meanings. Like so much of the English language, antonym is rooted in the Greek language. The Greek word anti means opposite, while onym means name....

Language Games

Language learning is a hard task that can sometimes be frustrating. Constant effort is required to understand, produce and manipulate the target language. Well-chosen games are invaluable as they give...
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