Karnad the Playwright

Girish Raghunath Karnad is a noted writer, playwright, screenwriter, actor and movie director in Kannada. But, among the creative geniuses of the modem age who have contributed significantly to Indian...

Being Incomplete

Hayavadana, Girish Karnad’s popular play, fulfils our romantic fantasies. A woman aspires to the perfect man, pursuing her dream of being complete. And a man with a horse’s head yearns to be fully hum...

History Plays

A history play is a dramatic work where the events of the plot are either partially or entirely drawn from people and events of the past. It is also considered a theatrical genre. William Shakespeare ...

Mystery Plays

Mystery plays are religious performances based on Biblical stories, such as the Fall of Adam and Eve and the Last Judgement. They were originally performed in churches and then moved out into public s...


Hayavadana, the play by Girish Karnad, tells the story of two friends who are in love with the same woman and who accidentally swap heads. A comedy ending in tragedy, the narrative also tells the stor...

Woman as Protagonist and Victim

Silence! The Court is in Session is the first of Vijay Tendulkar’s plays to become part of the New Indian Drama phenomenon of the sixties and the first significant modern Indian play in any language t...

The Tragicomedy

Tragicomedy is a genre that blends elements of comedy and tragedy. Most often seen in dramatic literature, it can have a happy ending or a tragedy with enough comic relief to improve the mood of the e...

The Comedy

Comedy is a literary genre and form of entertainment that aims to amuse and entertain the audience, often through humour, wit, and satire. It encompasses many styles and forms, from light-hearted an...

From Transience to Permanence

Rabindranath Tagore’s Chitra is a drama on the theme of true love. This lyrical play is a work of supreme art that has immense use of symbols and poetical language. Tagore is known for his aesthetic a...

The Tragedy

Tragedy is a genre of literature and drama that explores human suffering, often culminating in a disastrous conclusion. Tragedies typically depict the downfall of a noble hero or protagonist, leadin...
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