The Beat Generation

The Beat Generation refers to a literary and cultural movement that blossomed in the United States in the post-World War II era. It reached its peak in the 1950s. The Beats were a diverse group of wri...

Countercultural Movements

Countercultural movements are social and cultural phenomena in which a group of individuals or a subculture rejects or opposes mainstream cultural, societal, and political norms. They often emerge in ...

Travel Writing

Travel writing is a captivating genre that allows readers to explore different parts of the world through the eyes of the writer. It is a form of storytelling that invites us to embark on a journey fi...

Comedy of Manners

The Comedy of Manners is a genre of theatrical comedy that flourished in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, particularly in Restoration England and early 18th-century France. It is a form of dram...


Irony is a literary and rhetorical device where there is a contrast between expectations and reality. It's when the intended meaning of words is different from the actual meaning or a situation turns ...

The Epic

The epic is one of human history's most enduring and influential literary forms. Epic narratives have transcended time and culture, leaving an indelible mark on the world of literature. These grand ta...

Road Literature

Road literature, also known as travel literature or road trip literature, refers to a genre of writing that focuses on characters' stories, experiences and adventures while journeying on the road. It ...

The Lyric

The term lyric in poetry refers to a short poem that expresses personal emotions, feelings, or thoughts melodically and musically. Historically, lyrics were actually sung, often accompanied by a lyre,...

The Sonnet

The sonnet is a famous classical form that has compelled poets for centuries. It originated in Italy during the 13th century and gained popularity during the Renaissance period. The name comes from th...

Sentimental Comedy

Sentimental comedy is a genre of theatrical comedy that emerged in the 18th century as a reaction against the more cynical and morally ambiguous comedies of the Restoration period, offering a more opt...