Strong and Weak Forms

Words are mainly divided into form-class words and function-class words. Nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs belong to the form class, whereas articles, determiners, Auxiliary, and modals belong to ...

Basic Sentence Patterns

A Basic or a Kernel sentence is the simplest form of sentence, which is simple (not complex or compound), declarative and affirmative, and in the active voice. Such sentences can be broadly classi...

Relativization in Subordination

In transformational grammar, relativization is the process of forming sentences with relative clauses in them. Relativization as a syntactic process, like complementation and coordination exhibit the ...

Immediate Constituent Analysis

The advent of generative grammar with the publication of Chomsky's monograph Syntactic Structures in 1957 was a scientific revolution. This revolution was directed almost exclusively against the taxon...

Recent Trends in TG

There have been numerous changes in transformational grammar from the seventies onwards. Some of the important aspects of these changes are:Standard theory Extended Standard Theory (E...

Disambiguation Using TG Grammar

TG grammar attempts to describe actual and potential sentences. It aims at generating all and only sentences of a language. It is able to detect ambiguity. If a structure is understood in two ways by ...

Phrase Structure Grammar

The second of Chomsky's 'three models for language description' is Phrase Structure Grammar. A phrase structure grammar can generate any set of sentences that a finite state grammar can generate. But ...

Tag Question Transformation

The standard or classical, model of transformational generative grammar posits two levels of representation for sentences, an abstract deep structure of meaning relationships and a concrete surface st...


The syntax is the grammar, structure, or order of the elements in a language statement. (Semantics is the meaning of these elements.) Syntax applies to computer languages as well as to natural lan...


In English grammar, passivisation is the transformation of a sentence from an active form to a passive form. Through the process of passivisation, the direct object of an active declarative sentence c...