Home Authors Posts by Devika Panikar

Devika Panikar

Devika Panikar
δάσκαλος (dáskalos) means the teacher in Greek. Devika Panikar has been teaching English Language and Literature since 2006. She is an Assistant Professor with the Directorate of Collegiate Education under the Government of Kerala and now works at the Government College Kasaragod. This website is a collection of lecture notes she prepared by referring to various sources for her students’ perusal.

Multiple Intelligences Theory

The Multiple Intelligence...


Acculturation refers to h...

Krashen’s Monitor Model

A prominent linguist and ...


Vanka is a short story wr...

Literary Theory and Its Discontents

John R Searle's essay Lit...

Literary Criticism and Its Discontents

Geoffrey Hartman's essay ...

Tradition and the Individual Talent

T S Eliot's essay Traditi...

Preface to the Works of Shakespeare

Samuel Johnson's Preface ...

Preface to Lyrical Ballads

William Wordsworth's Pref...
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