Insight into Experiences and Challenges

The Truth about Me: A Hijra Life Story by A Revathi is a memoir that utilises various narrative techniques to convey the author's journey as a transgender woman in India. These techniques help provide...

Exploring the Complex Social Dynamics

The Truth about Me: A Hijra Life Story provides a firsthand perspective on the challenges and discrimination faced by transgender individuals in Indian society. It's more than just a personal narrativ...

A Hijra Life Story

The Truth About Me: A Hijra Life Story is an autobiography by A Revathi, a prominent Hijra activist. This groundbreaking work gives voice to the often marginalized and misunderstood Hijra community in...

An Autobiography

An autobiography is a written account of a person's life, typically written by the person. It is a genre of literature where an individual reflects on and narrates their own life experiences, includin...

The Nightmare of Malcolm X

The Autobiography of Malcolm X is the story Malcolm tells of his experiences and his growth. The first chapter begins in 1926 and chronicles the first eleven years of Malcolm’s life with his hard-work...